Sunday, April 17, 2011

Many Red Devils

Many red devils ran from my heart
And out upon the page,
They were so tiny
The pen could mash them.
And many struggled in the ink.
It was strange
To write in this red muck
Of things from my heart.
I didn't really understand this poem until 
we analyzed it in class. Then I realized that
it is about the little things we do in life 
and little parts of ourselves go into it. 
They may go unnoticed for a while, but maybe 
while you reread a paper you realize all the 
little bits of your mood and yourself that have 
been added in. I like how the poem says the devils 
can be crushed by the pen, but he doesn't crush 
them. It is good to bring your life experiences 
and biases into some situations. You should make 
things that are a part of you because you are 
different and there is no person that can think 
the way you do and no two life experiences are the 
same. Maybe the part about the devils struggling 
is saying that the authors sometimes doesn't 
know how to put himself into the writing when 
he thinks that it should be there. These little 
parts of the author, creator, director, artist, or 
even reader can be so small. They could be the 
connections a reader makes to a part in the story, 
or a bit of a movie that the director changes 
because of a life experience they had. I think that
it is really interesting to look back at my writing
and see where all my life experience comes in and 
see where my opinions really shine even when I know 
that they shouldn't be there. I think he calls them
devils because perhaps he doesn't want them in the 
writing or they are very personal devils or faults
that he doesn't want to show in his writing. He says 
that it is very hard to write in all the "muck" and 
I think that maybe that could meant that the things he 
is letting out in his writing could be challenges in
his life or very hard things for him to talk about. 
Overall, after listening to the analysis in class I 
really think that I like this poem a lot more and it 
makes much more sense.  

1 comment:

  1. This is good, Tori. I think we had a great discussion on this one in class. I'm glad it helped clear up your thoughts.
