Sunday, April 10, 2011

This is just to say

I like this poem a lot because it is something that I think everyone is guilty of. You either take something, use something, wear something, or eat something that you know you probably shouldn't because the owner will be missing it at some point. It always seems like they don't need it forever and the point that you finally decide to take it or use it is when they realize that they want it too. It's almost that feeling of guilt, but then you realize how good it really was. Like the author saying, " they were delicious so sweet and so cold" means that he may be sorry that you are missing the sweet plums, but you should know that even though it wasn't you that enjoyed them, they were greatly enjoyed by someone. They brought great joy to someone even if they were supposed to bring joy to the owner. I think it is interesting how the author breaks up the stanzas. The first is just a statement with no indication of guilt and there seems to be nothing interesting happening. The second stanza is the authors admittance of guilt to taking the plums that were not his. The third stanza is sort of a reassurance to the previous owner of the plums that they were not taken and smashed or thrown away after a taste, but enjoyed by the author. I really liked this poem a lot. I think it is very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Another student suggested that she could see it taped to the fridge. :) That made me smile. I like it too!
